Annual Bottles Produced
about 0

The Cellar

If the vineyard is the beating heart of Tua Rita, the cellar ideally represents the lung of the winery, that place where by standing in silence it is possible to listen to the breath of the wine. The orderly arrangement of the barrels, the vaulted concrete ceilings and the striking full-wall painting signed by fantasy artist Raffaele De Rosa give this environment a very special allure, in which sacredness and magic are intertwined. It is here, through virtuous practices, that everything takes shape.

Manual Collection & Selection

The grapes, which arrive at the winery in small crates after manual harvesting and are selected on special sorting tables, undergo a soft pressing and then pass into truncated conical wooden vats for fermentation.

The maceration period, depending on the vintage, is 25-30 days with targeted pumping over and/or fulling.

Le Barrique

At the end of the vinification process, the wine, by gravity, arrives in the barriques, and after the usual ageing period of a minimum of 12 months, it is ready to delight the world's discerning palates.